Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Frame In Reference

Frame In Reference
Produced and Edited
Matt T. Helme, Angelina Voskopoulos, and, Pasquale Palladino

Corridor- “I'm not someone so much interested in exploring a slice of life unless that is down the corridor, around the corner, up the alley, and down the rabbit hole.” - James Spader This video was created using footage and soundtracks in the Public Domain, or released as CC0 Public Domain materials, and is made entirely from recycled, repurposed and refashioned images and sounds.Copyright © 2018 Wheeler Winston Dixon. All rights reserved. Making America Straight & White Again is a collage of images and sounds found in the Public Domain, or materials released under a Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain license."Making America Straight & White Again," a détournement by Gwendolyn Audrey Foster. Copyright © 2018 Gwendolyn Audrey Foster. All rights reserved. Apocryphal Journey- Abstract impression of a series of rail journeys. David King. MOTORIK INNERVISIONS- Music & Video Art © Pierre Ajavon 2020 Metamorphosis- Butterflies, beetles, scotch tape and rhythmic paint. Will Bragger. Purple Toon/Tune- Researched and generated during an experimental media residency at Signal Culture, Owego, New York and completed at Oolite Arts takeover at Anderson Ranch Art Center, February and March 2020.Barron Sherer situs inversus viscerum totalis-This video is part of "Body of Evidence", a multi-medium exhibition inspired by the impact of art on health held at the Adelaide Convention Centre 30 May – 1 July, 2016 featuring John Blines, Gina Czarnecki & The Australian Dance Theatre, Meg Cowell, Ian Gibbins, Naomi Hunter, Cheryl Hutchens, Hans Kreiner, Kerryn Levy, Deborah Prior, Damien Shen, Angela Valamanesh & Thomas Yeend. Curated by Carollyn Kavanagh. Situs Inversus Viscerum Totalis is rare birth abnormality in which the positions of the internal organs are reversed. Sometimes, the internal organs are duplicated in mirror image, which is fatal. This video takes those ideas to generate mirror symmetrical images derived from Ian’s videos of living cells, his body, and the Adelaide Convention Centre. The soundtrack is made from sounds recorded at the Convention Centre. The quotes come from a well-known human embryology textbook. A different version of the video was projected onto the windows of the Convention Centre. Ian Gibbins. Interferences (1av3)- Interferences have consumed and lived a long time in our cohabitation with television and monitors, two dry blows to signal and tuning failures, breakdowns, maybe the dog has bitten the cable, ... and subsequently manufactured interference, found, provoked, are part of our audiovisual culture. We resume the discourse initiated in the early eighties and we have no choice but to declare again that the interference is beautiful.Luis Carlos Rodriquez. Ring-Angelina Voskopouios. Some of my art work over the past years has been focused on ‘minimal movement’. My view regarding the power of that which is minimal has been reinforced by research, the applicaon of ideas and the results from previous research. The movement of a unit is considered to be that which drives all things. I don’t wish to lead anyone to wonder about the physical world and its laws or create religious quesons regarding God and creaon. The project is centered on Man and his inner world.That which I call minimal movement, is the internal movement, internal acon or intensity and how everything doesn’t necessarily have to entail external acon. Even total lack of movement indicates internal intensies, conflicts, disputes and concerns. I Touched The Digital Film (Or I touched the digital photography) is a craft works series contrast against the digital flow of the images. The canvas is the scanner, the light has been produced with the movement of the hand and the objects, getting the visual exhibition of the noise produced by the same objects set up. The hands grow up like a red rose on paper (acrylic painting on print scanner) to remember the big man of Germano Celant and the techniches introduced by Georges Méliès. The sound take out the traditional language and translate it in Morse International Code, making it like a monosound with the visual effects of the noises ambien. Pasquale Palladino Twisted-Film leader, twisted, inside out/ Upside down. Matt Helme. Silent Edge is a work that questions vision itself. A reflection on the concept of limit, and the relationship between horizontal,vertical space, visible/invisible. Enzo Cillo.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Kinoskop 2019

Kinoskop - Festival analognog filma - Home | Facebook


1st International Festival of analog experimental cinema and audio-visual performance

What is analog cinema today? Who is still shooting on celluloid? Audio-visual initiative and film lab Kino pleme wants to provide some answers, and is proud to announce the birth of a new niche festival dedicated to the spirit of preserving the exploratory tendencies and experimental ways of working with celluloid in a digital era. Analog experimental film festival “Kinoskop”, the first of its kind in the region, is, in its first year, taking place in Belgrade, Serbia, for a two-day run (30th November and 1th December) of screenings, expanded film performances, live soundtracks and gallery exhibitions in Belgrade's hot spot for alternative, independent and underground culture, Kvaka 22.  
Kinoskop will encompass a wide spectrum of alternative, underground and experimental cinema shot on super 8, 16mm, 35mm, and found footage, by showing shorts and medium-lenghts which are reveling in stories and motives which cover a lot of historical association with pioneers of avant-garde and independent cinema, but also impregnating them with a lot of vibrant energy and new ideas. In seven selections, there are forty films, curated by veteran experimental film aficionados Nikola Gocić (film writer and critic and visual artist) and Marko Milićević (film author and founder of the audiovisual initiative Kino Pleme) that will enchant and mystify you, speak directly to your subconscious, subvert your genre (and many other!) expectations, and take you to the world(s) where myths and realities collide, blur the lines which separate them, and then coalesce into a dense medley of aural and visual stimuli.
There will be shades of mysticism and psychodrama of Maya Deren, dealing with esoteric "thingamijigs" and alchemy of Kenneth Anger, magically mundane secret diaries of Jonas Mekas, but rest assured this will be no sheer nostalgia trip... Selection will show documentaries on subjects which haven't been touched upon in the history of cinema and witness peculiar deconstructions of sci-fi and horror genre through the creative lens and poetics of experimental film, take a trip inside nocturnal visions of the non-human world, oneirically sabotage H/B/ollywood on our found footage safari and take on you on a rollercoaster ride in the realms of non-commercial, non-compromising, personal cinema.


We have a LOOK, we report and talk about ordinary and extraordinary things in CITIES (worldwide) relating to HUMAN CONCERNS .. Kritische und informative Beiträge bei freundlicher Kaminfeueratmosphäre, professionell und auch improvisiert !

Melamar .. Abfahrt aus Bukarest, ..
Christian Schreibmüller .. Gehen durch die Stadt, ..
eggerpunktlienz aus Stefan Zweigs "Die Welt von Gestern"
David Pašek .. A Palaver .. Architektur.Radio.Orange
Angela Sellner .. Über/Leben in der Stadt .. good advices for escape and perfect camouflage (people of Hongkong)
++ MOVIE +SHORTFILMS by (thanks to AGITATE:21C)
Matt Helme .. Intersect (2019)
Lisi Prada .. Espejismos (2012)
Michael Woods .. Metastasis
Finn Harvor .. World Bardo 129
Joas Nebe .. Puddle of Dream
Ian Gibbins .. dog daze + homeless
Forest Swords .. Crow
Jodeb .. Still in the Cage (Directors Cut)
Andrei Tarkovsky - Tokyo scene aus Solaris (1972)
Worldwide Random Radio, Carter Tutti Void , Eno, Einstürzende Neubauten, World Domination Enterprises , William S. Burroughs
++ YOU (bring a friend with you)
free Entree for members of WE OPEN SPACE VIENNA ..
Tagesmitgliedschaft 2 Euro + Free Donation for anyone else
welcome to share the event with interested people
Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM UTC+01

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Film and Video maker, whose work has been screened at several festivals and galleries world wide. At the North Bellarine ( Australia) Film Festival, Film and Video Art program, (2018-19), "Eclectic Dreams", exhibition of international film and video art, at The Project Space gallery, Deakin University (Australia) , (2019), "Strategies for + against Architecture !", at the WE OPEN SPACE, Vienna, (Austria), (2019) , Kinoskop - 1st Analog Experimental Festival, at the Art Space, Belgrade, (Serbia), (2019), several programs organized by the Kino Club, in Split, (Croatia) (2019-2020), and my work "Crash" (2019) , was featured on the cable access program, "Here Comes Everybody", ep32-4 (191122), Co-Editor and contributor, along with Pasquale Palladino, of FRAGMENTS OF LIFE (2020). My focus is on Editing technique,perception, and mood.